1300 875 326 

Your In home supports

We help you to achieve independence in your home.

If you're an NDIS plan managed or self managed participant we can help you in your home


personal care supports

Our support staff can assist you with your complete personal care needs. Our professional support staff assist with you with your personal care needs with dignity and respect.

This may include:

  • Assistance with showering

  • Assistance with grooming and self care

  • Support with Toileting

  • Getting in and our of bed

  • Support with personal hygiene


Over night Support & In Home respite

Our support can assist you with night time supports to ensure you get the support you need. We also offer in home respite support to assist you and your informal carer supports also.

This may include:

  • Sleep over support

  • Active overnight support

  • Short Term Accomodation



Shopping & Meal preparation

Our support staff are here to assist you with your day to day shopping, weekly menu planning and meal preparation.

  • Our focus is to promote independence

  • Assist you with developing your in home meal preparation skills

  • Support individuals with shopping and meal planning activities


Our Participant Examples

(Note: Participant actual names and photos have been changed for privacy reasons)

"I was living in shared accommodation with people I didn't know or really feel compatible with. CIM Supports helped me find other suitable accomodation and now I'm living independently in my own home with supports"
"Living in my own home means so much to me and having the right support staff to help me with my needs is so important. CIM Supports listened to me and helped me find the right staff to meet my needs"
"CIM Supports have been amazing helping me with my personal care needs and in home supports. They have been flexible and adaptable when I have needed them"